Technical Description

- 3U 4/8/12HP universal-slot CPU board, PICMG 2.0 R 3.0, PICMG 2.1 R 2.0 hot-swap, PICMG 2.9 R 1.0, 32bit/66MHz cPCI bus interface, 3.3/5 Vio
- Quad core 2.6 GHz Intel Core i7-5700EQ CPU
Quad core 2.4 GHz Intel Core i7-4700EQ CPU,
Dual core 1.6 GHz Intel Core i5-4402E CPU - Intel QM87 chipset
- Up to 16 GB DDR3L-1333 ECC SDRAM (cPCI-3510BL) or
up to 8 GB DDR3L-1600 ECC SDRAM (cPCI-3510), soldered - 3 independent graphics ports integrated in the processor, DVI-I front panel connector, 2048×1536 pixel resolution, two DisplayPorts (DVI, VGA and HDMI) at the cPCI-3510G, 2560×1600 Pixel resolution
- CFast socket or mSATA socket
- SATA port for a 2.5″ HDD on the 8/12HP version
- PMC/XMC slot on the 12HP version, 64bit/66 MHz
- Up to six Gigabit Ethernet ports, up to 4 GbE front panel ports and 2 rear I/O ports, Intel I217 PHY, I210 and 82574L controller
- Up to four RS-232/422/485/485 ports, one front panel port, two rear I/O ports and one port to the RTM on the cPCI-3510G version
- Up to eight USB ports, one USB 3.0 front panel port, up to 2 USB 2.0 front panel ports, 3 USB 2.0 rear I/O ports and 2 USB 2.0 ports to the RTM
- PS/2 mouse/ keyboard front panel port on the cPCI-3510G version
- Opt. transition module with connectors for 2 Gigabit Ethernet ports, 2 RS-232/422/485 ports, two USB 2.0 ports, 3 SATA ports (RAID 0/1/5/10 support), and one VGA port
- Audio Line-in and Line-out front panel ports on the cPCI-3510D
- AMI EFI BIOS with 64 Mbit SPI Flash
- HW monitor and watchdog timer
- -20°C .. +70°C (Core i7-4700EQ and Core i7-5700EQ at 47W) and -40°C .. +85°C (Core i5-4402E, Core i7-4700EQ, and Core i7-5700EQ at 37W) operating temperature range
- 2 years warranty
Order Information
3U/4HP CPCI Core i7-4700 CPU board, 8 GB RAM, 32GB SSD
3U/8HP CPCI Core i7-4700 CPU board, 4 GB RAM, RS-232, 2 USB 2.0, PS/2, Audio
3U/8HP CPCI Core i7-4700 CPU board, 4 GB RAM, RS-232, 2 DisplayPort, PS/2, USB 2.0
3U/8HP CPCI Core i7-4700 CPU board, 4 GB RAM, 4 GbE, USB 2.0, RS-232
3U/12HP CPCI Core i7-4700 CPU board, 4 GB RAM, RS-232, 2 USB 2.0, PS/2, Audio
3U/4HP CPCI Core i7-5700 CPU board, 16 GB RAM, 32GB SSD
3U/8HP CPCI Core i7-5700 CPU board, 16 GB RAM, RS-232, 2 USB 2.0, PS/2, Audio
3U/8HP CPCI Core i7-5700 CPU board, 16 GB RAM, RJ-45 COM, 2 DisplayPorts, PS/2, USB 2.0
3U 2 slot rear transition module for cPCI-3510, 50mm, 2 GbE, 2 RS-232/422/485, 2 USB, 3 SATA, VGA
3U 2 slot rear transition module for cPCI-3510, 80mm, 2 GbE, 2 RS-232/422/485, 2 USB, 3 SATA, VGA
CompactFlash adapter board
DP-DVI cable
DisplayPort to DVI cable
DP-VGA cable
DisplayPort to VGA cable
DP-HDMI cable
DisplayPort to HDMI cable