Technical Description

- 24 Channel Analog Digital I/O AMC Module
- AMC module with AMC.1 interface, mid size and full size form factor
- Spartan 2 FPGA
- 8 analog inputs, ±10V, 16bit resolution, up to 200kHz sampling rate
- 2 analog outputs, ±10V, 16bit resolution, up to 600kHz sampling rate
- 24 digital I/Os, TTL level, programmable as input only, output sink, output source, output sink/source, max. current/channel: 64mA sink, 32mA source, up to 1 MHz input sampling rate, up to 1 MHz output update rate
- 4 RS-485 trigger/sync. ports, max. 1 MHz
- 50-pin har-mik connector on P1
- 10-pin har-link connector on P2
- DMA to host CPU memory
- Prepared for MTCA.4 (MicroTCA Enhancements for Rear I/O and Precision Timing)
- IPMI V1.5 support
- 0°C .. +70°C operating temperature range
- 2 years warranty
Order Information
24 channel analog digital I/O AMC module
50 pin SCSI connector to 50 pin screw connection